U of A Campus Collaborations
Our researchers work on collaborations within the U of A to enhance the operation of campus services. These opportunities allow our researchers to try out new technology applications and concepts close to home while providing a much needed service to the Campus Community. By extending the application of spatial techniques and technologies to our own campus, we lead by example to illustrate the breadth of knowledge and applications encompassed by geospatial technologies.
RUSS: Room Use Survey System
https://fama.cast.uark.edu/projects/russCollaboration with:
U of A Facilities Management
Project Type:
Building Information Management
The Room Use Survey System enables Building Executives and FAMA to maintain room-level information pertaining to the occupants of each room and the types of use allocated within our University of Arkansas facilities. This annual survey of room level use and occupant information is an important responsibility of our 245+ Building Executives because it aids or directly impacts our Emergency Response Preparedness, Facilities Planning, Capital Improvement & Maintenance schedules, and our Federal reporting requirements.
Explore the data online: http://3dcity.cast.uark.edu/
LIGHTS: Lightpole Management System
https://fama.cast.uark.edu/projects/lightsCollaboration with:
U of A Facilities Management
Project Type:
Campus Information Management
This 2006 project involved the collection and update to the light poles database and development of an online map view of these data. The project involved accomplishing 3 main tasks: 1. Collecting the light poles features (originally about 1,400 features) and their attributes required for on-going maintenance operations by FAMA, 2. Creating and hosting an online map and database to reflect the current light pole status, and 3. Development of an Online Reporting feature for reporting malfunctioning devices and triggering notifications to FAMA staff to repair the feature to its desired functionality.
3D Scanning of Vol Walker Hall: Documentation during Renovation
http://gmv.cast.uark.edu/univeristy-of-arkansas-vol-walker-building/Collaboration with:
U of A Facilities Management
Project Type:
Proof of Concept, Building Information Management

Laser scanning technologies were used to document the interiors and exteriors of Vol Walker Hall on the University of Arkansas campus before, during and after renovation. The documentation of Vol Walker Hall includes historical imaging and documentation of the interior and exterior of the building prior to any renovation activities, documenting the construction progress as major mile stones of the building's renovation are completed and lastly, documenting the completed renovation. Trillions of data points were collected; a portion of the processed data are available online for exploring and download.
3D Scanning and Modeling of Campus Heating and Chilling Central Utility Plants
http://gmv.cast.uark.edu/scanning-2/data/university-of-arkansas-fama-plant-buildings/Collaboration with:
U of A Facilities Management
Project Type:
Proof of Concept, Building Information Management

Laser scanning technology was used to conduct a high density survey of the interiors and exteriors of these two buildings, which supply the primary heating and chilling utilities on campus. This survey was conducted to create an as-built model of the complex to aid in equipment retrofitting. CAST used this project as an opportunity to better understand scanning and documenting such highly complex interior spaces, as well as to explore how point clouds inter-operate with CAD programs and realistic engineering agendas. The collected and processed data are available online for exploring and download.